Books & Book Chapters

Kaltenbach H-M (2021) Statistical Design and Analysis of Biological Experiments: Springer. external page

Ottoz DS, Rudolf F (2018) Constitutive and Regulated Promoters in Yeast: How to Design and Make Use of Promoters in S. cerevisiae. Synthetic Biology: Parts, Devices and Applications. pp. 14.  

Sunnåker M, Stelling J (2016) Model Extension and Model Selection. In: Geris L, Gomez-Cabrero D, editors. Uncertainty in Biology: Springer International Publishing. pp. 213-241. external page

Stelling J, Kaltenbach H-M (2015) Deterministic Description of Biochemical Networks. Encyclopedia of Systems and Control. pp. 264-268. external page

Marchisio MA, Stelling J (2014) Simplified computational design of digital synthetic gene circuits. A Systems Theoretic Approach to Systems and Synthetic Biology II: Analysis and Design of Cellular Systems: Springer Netherlands. pp. 257-271. external page

Marchisio MA (2012) In silico implementation of synthetic gene networks. Synthetic Gene Networks: Springer. pp. 3-21.

Kaltenbach H-M, Constantinescu S, Feigelman J, Stelling J (2011) Graph-based decomposition of biochemical reaction networks into monotone subsystems. Algorithms in Bioinformatics: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 139-150. external page

Marquez-Lago TT, Marchisio MA (2010) Synthetic Biology: Dynamic Modeling and Construction of Cell Systems. Process Systems Engineering: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. pp. 493-544. external page

Mirsky H, Stelling J, Gunawan R, Bagheri N, Taylor SR, Kwei E, Shoemaker JE, Doyle FJ (2009) Automatic Control in Systems Biology. Springer Handbook of Automation. pp. 1335-1360. external page

Szallasi Z, Stelling J, Perival V, editors (2006) System modeling in cellular biology: From concepts to nuts and bolts. Cambridge / MA: MIT Press. external page

Klamt S, Stelling J (2006) Stoichiometric and constraint-based modeling. In: Szallasi Z, Stelling J, Perival V, editors. System modeling in cellular biology. Cambridge / MA: MIT Press. pp. 73-96.

Stelling J, Sauer U, Doyle FJ, 3rd, Doyle J (2006) Complexity and robustness of cellular systems. In: Szallasi Z, Stelling J, Perival V, editors. System modeling in cellular biology. Cambridge / MA: MIT Press. pp. 19-40.

Szallasi Z, Perival V, Stelling J (2006) On modules and modularity. In: Szallasi Z, Stelling J, Perival V, editors. System modeling in cellular biology. Cambridge / MA: MIT Press. pp. 41-50.

Kremling A, Stelling J, Bettenbrock K, Fischer S, Gilles E (2005) Metabolic networks: biology meets engineering sciences. Systems Biology: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 215-234.

Stelling J, Kremling A, Ginkel M, Bettenbrock K, Gilles E (2001) Towards a virtual biological laboratory. Foundations of systems biology: MIT Press. pp. 189-212.

Kaltenbach H-M (2011) A concise guide to statistics: Springer Science & Business Media. external page

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