Group Retreat in Hinterzarten, Germany

We just returned from our annual group retreat, which this year took place in Hinterzarten, Germany.

Group Retreat 2019 Hinterzarten
back: Tamara van Donge, Andreas Cuny, Lukas Widmer, Alexander Betz, Mattia Gollub, Alina Artcibasova, Claude Lormeau, Jörg Stelling, Hans-Michael Kaltenbach, Lena Karamasioti, Fabian Rudolf, Lekshmi Dharmarajan front: Elisa Garulli, Jana Linnik, Julia Deichmann, Charlotte Ramon, Asli Azizoglu, Ove Oeyaas, Eve Tasiudi, Eline Bijman

We spent three great days in a beatiful part of the Schwarzwald region in Germany. Our schedule involved interesting talks, scientific discussions, paper review training, a visit to a local action forest, and a much needed in this hot weather dip into the lake afterwards.

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